Roll of Honour
The men from 3 Company listed below lost their lives at Sidi Rezegh. The level of casualties suffered in the attack on Point 175, and later on the ridge near the mosque, is put into context by this quote, at the end of The Relief of Tobruk:
'Eighth Army in its first campaign, like the French early in the First World War, fought with superb élan. The spirit of the British cruiser tank units in the opening clashes, unavailing though all too often it was for tactical and technical reasons, was magnificent. At the same time a battle designed around armour was adorned with some of the finest infantry assaults in the annals of the British Army. The attacks of the Black Watch on "Tiger" in the break-out from Tobruk and of the 60th Rifles at Sidi Rezegh, the hard fight for Point 175, and the last relentless night advance on the Mosque showed what men could do with little or nothing more than the weapons they could carry. They deserve to be remembered.'
The names in brackets are those of the Commonwealth War Cemetery where the men are buried or named on memorial plaques:

Private John Boyle of Temuka. Killed in action 28 November 1941 aged 22 (Acroma)

Lieutenant Thomas Weir Daly of Timaru. Killed in action 23 November 1941 aged 27 (Acroma)

Private Trevor Menzies Ferguson of Nelson. Killed in action 27 November 1941 aged 33 (Acroma)

Private Raymond Nelson Gobbe of Christchurch. Killed in action 28 November 1941, aged 22 (Acroma)

Private William John Hampton of Christchurch. Died of wounds 1 December 1941 aged 36 (Acroma)

Private Thomas Richard Hawkins of Waimate. Killed in action 28 November 1941 aged 24 (Acroma)

Private Eric Walter Edgar Heaps of Nelson. Died of wounds 30 November 1941 aged 24 (Acroma)

Private Thomas Robert Horne of Timaru. Killed in action 23 November 1941 aged 27 (Acroma)

Private Alton Wilson Lee of Invercargill. Killed in action 23 November 1941 aged 27 (Acroma)

Private Leslie James McIver of Alford Forest. Died of wounds 30 November 1941 aged 35 (Tobruk)

Corporal Desmond Lisle Ralfe of Nelson. Killed in action 23 November 1941 aged 26 (Acroma)

Private James William Taylor of Auckland. Killed in action 23 November 1941 aged 36 (Acroma)

Private Jack Alexander Johnston of Waiau. Killed in action 23 November 1941 aged 23 (Alamein)
Private Stace Charles Roberts Newman of Whangarei. Killed in action 27 November 1941 aged 23 (Alamein)
Private Edward Harold Price of Auckland. Killed in action 27 November 1941 aged 22 (Alamein)